Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Words of wisdom (and encouragement)

It has been ages since I last updated and now all I can say is that I am living out my dreams (finally) - well, it is and will never be a bed of roses but at least now I am given a chance to 'write'. Am serving at an NGO as a copywriter, yes, they were 'brave' enough to give this wannabe a chance.

But life takes turns, sometimes or rather most of times, at an unexpected time and place. I will need to take a break from work and move to a foreign country (following the Mr.) for half a year. But this post is really not about this move, it is an encounter with a mentor (well, the new boss but with just chatting casually for a few minutes, she has taught me so much in terms of pursuing my dreams to write). And I just had to write it down so that it can be a constant reminder to me.

1. Writing NEEDS practice! Write all the time - it is the only way.
2. Write to express and not to impress (wow, this is such a powerful statement)
3. Write as though you are writing TO SOMEONE and not writing down as you think. Take an example of your audience (reader) and write to him/her, it could even be your mother as you think of our target audience people with a caring heart.
4. It is important to know who your writing piece is for, examples:
 - If you are writing for the radio, read out loud what you are writing as the piece is intended for the ears
- If you writing for television, it must be very 'visual'

These simple yet impactful tips really jump-start this passion I have. :)

Thank you! Looking forward to learn so much.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beautfiully Described - LOVE

This morning, hearing from people around me on the topic - LOVE. It was encouraging.

Love is a verb. When we think of those who are difficult to love, let us remind ourselves that we (the not-so-perfect mortals) are too may be un-lovable or rather most definitely unlovable in the eyes of our perfect God BUT He does, so unconditionally. Wow..

Do you know that you are loved by God? A resounding YES bursts out from within! But do I remember that I am loved by God daily, His love abides in me daily? It is a reminder. Busy-ness and personal dissatisfaction often times stray me away from receiving His love. So I am taking time to soak myself in His love today!

Love is like water - it needs to be flowing and not stay stagnant. Stagnancy would leave the water moldy and moss-ful. So the next question is this: Do you share God's love with others and How?This morning's verse to meditate on:-

Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. 1 John 3:17

Love is powerful.

Love is everything.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Travelling Down Memory Lane

I have not update nor read this blog since my last post and yesterday, out of the blue, I revisited all previous blog entries. Amazingly touched, and candidly tickled by some of the entries I had written. Nevertheless, it made me realise something - I have GROWN... 

It used to be ME and at times, HIM (my life partner) but now, it's US as a Little SHE came along. 

Life has certainly changed, in fact CHANGED! (I cannot emphasize enough on this change). 

Life has been a journey for me. As I traveled down memory lane, re-reading the experiences I had shared on this blog, complains I had ranted day in day out, goals jotted down - it has been a journey and I am glad that I had written it all down, those significant memories. 

The poems I had attempted to write - I have come a long way and being the expressive me, it totally brought me back to how I felt when I wrote those un-rhyming phrases. 

Life is funny. 

It's so surreal. 



Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Change of Mind

Well, thought to myself, instead of brooding on how little time I have for myself and how life has changed 180 degrees - why not journal down little memories of each day.

Starting today:

"It has been a challenging day (yet again) but the sight of her staring at me intently as I shoulder her truly melts my heart and then magic happened, she smiled at me. Such gentleness and innocence."

Here ends the day, and now comes the night. Be good to mama, please.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Dusting Away

It's been ages since I last wrote. It's been awhile and yes, my fingers are getting rusty and the little imaginative mind I had is seeping away. A new role I have embraced and yes, it is taking me a whole new level, testing me in everyway. Used to be exhausted so easily, now I have no choice, exhaustion it may be, I have to go on... Used to complain of the time which I lack, now it's ticking away even faster. Used to loath going to work, now I am looking forward to going back to my desk.
Used to just want to be home, now I am desperate to just be away.

Sounds depressing but on the contrary, it should be one filled with much joy. It is indeed a blessing but I just need to be stronger. I just need to pick myself up and focus on showering love and tenderly care. No one told me it would be this difficult, but all mentions that it would be much rewarding.

So I pray that it can only get easier.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

It Has Been Awhile...

Missing are those days
When the needs do not seem to matter
and the wants are met
Desperately gasping for air
in search of freedom

Let me be
Let me go
Take me, please
to a place where colours are senseless
be it white or black

Missing the heart's desires
the mere touch of the skin
the whispers of the wind
the fragrant in the air
be it here or there

Now or Never...

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Just Determined..

Recently, the husband of mine picked up a book on nutritional facts and healthy eating. It still beats me on what made him do that and diligently reading the factual pages (with small fonts and very little pictures, mind you). But seriously, facts which I would never have known surfaced:

1. Did you know that margarine fairs worse than butter? (still remembering the fact that margarine came about from the lower income families who cannot afford the block of butter).

2. The differences between HDL and LDL and what makes one good and the other bad.

3. The endless terms for saturated fats, with differences come from the prefix used.

4. The 'harsher' the bread surface is, the more nutritious it is.

and the list goes on...

Then just last night, my dad had to skype me on the importance of diet, sleep and having a stress-free environment, as he too is currently reading a similar book.

(Hhhmm.. a sign from above? ) :)

Oh well, this really shook me up as I recall my dinner last night being a burger from a road stall at 11.30pm. And my life has never been stress-free, really - there are just tons of things to worry about, millions of things to do - at work, at home, even during what is call 'leisure time' and not forgetting the limited 24 hours we have in a day. (See, how stress I can be?) Used to think that I am doing fine in the area of sleep until recently, sleep deprivation seems to be crawling into my daily routine.

This is no good..

So, am taking up this challenge - a self-challenge. Am determined to change my lifestyle and since I do not believe in New Year's resolution - am going to start this challenge today, December 10, 2009 and not wait for 2010. Will be updating daily on this very blog elements of a changed lifestyle, a HEALTHY one that is. So am determined to :

1. Update the blog with at least ONE task of a changed, healthier lifestyle each day.
2. Complete this challenge within a year, so there would be at least 365 acts of a healthy lifestyle.

Embarking on this and hoping to cross the finish line and more importantly, a changed person. So keep me encouraged.